POLL – Are you worried about your energy bills this winter, have your say

As of January 1 the average energy bill is on course to rise by £94 (five percent) a year, pushing already stretched households to the brink.

The energy price cap had dipped to £1,834 a year in October, but will increase to £1,928 a year in 2024.

Following the news, charities have warned the most vulnerable will be the hardest hit.

Gillian Cooper, director of energy at Citizens Advice, said: “Prices going up during the coldest part of the year will make life harder for millions of people struggling to pay their bills.

“We’re already helping record numbers with energy debt and we’re seeing more people than ever who can’t afford to top up their prepayment meter.

“The Government missed the opportunity to announce extra support for households who desperately need it this winter.

“The lack of action means far too many households will now be forced to choose between heating and eating this winter.”

This comes as temperatures are forecast to plunge across the UK, with the first widespread frost set to see the mercury drop as low as -7C in some areas.

And there is less help with energy bills in place this winter, with the Government payment of £400 for every household ending in March 2023.

Instead, there will be a £900 payment issued to those on means-tested benefits, split into three instalments.

While Martin Lewis has given advice on the “one deal” offering a “good rate”, the cost of living crisis is worrying Britons across the country.

So are you worried about your energy bills this winter? Vote in our poll and have your say in the comments.

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