Use the ‘igloo’ heating method to keep your home warmer for longer

Energy bills: Expert advises to ‘close curtains’ when heating is on

There are many ways to keep the home warm during winter, but these often involve keeping the heating on for long periods.

Experts suggest looking to the Inuits, who live in extremely cold weather conditions in areas of Canada, Greenland and the Arctic.

They often keep warm by sleeping in igloos which include a high platform to sleep on, because heat rises and this is where it is the warmest.

While building an igloo in the UK could be extreme, experts recommend taking inspiration from their sleeping methods.

An expert at Bensons for Beds said: “We can gain inspiration from some of the strategies to keep our houses warm such as sleeping higher up.

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“As heated air is thinner than colder air, it makes sense that it naturally rises.

“Therefore, kids sleeping in the top of a bunk bed, or on a high or mid-sleeper bed could feel the benefits.”

When it comes to tackling mould, a very common issue in the winter months, households could borrow from the way igloos are built.

Despite the freezing outside temperature, igloos have vents which allow the movement of fresh air in and the vapour from breath out, helping the air to remain dry.

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Brands manager Rachel Marshall commented: “It may be tempting to close any vents leading to the outside of your home but it’s important not to do this.

“Air vents are in your home for a reason. They’ve been designed to allow air to flow through your home, and also to prevent a build-up of humidity.

“Excess humidity can lead to mould, which then can lead to health problems which affect our sleep.”

The expert also recommended using curtains to help keep the home warm by keeping them open during the day and closed at night. This allows the natural warmth from the sun to heat the room and it can make a huge difference.

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David Miloshev, Certified Electrician from Fantastic Services, said: “Keep your blinds and curtains open during the hours of the day when the sun is shining towards your windows and close them when it starts to set.

“By letting the rays of sunshine into your home, you are taking advantage of the free solar heat. Closing the curtains and blinds afterwards helps create a good insulating layer and lets you keep that free warmth you’ve gathered throughout the day.”

The thicker the curtains, the more they will stop heat from escaping, especially if you have draughty or particularly old windows.

According to Safe Style Windows, around 18 percent of the total heat within a house is lost through the windows. This is caused by radiation, through glazing, and convection and conducted through the window frame.

Hillary’s experts said curtains can reduce heat loss by up to 41 percent in a single-glazed window. Households could also manage heat loss by layering curtains over blinds or shutters so if you have this combination, make sure they are both closed during the day.

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