Martin Lewis simple tip to get Christmas shopping discounts

Martin Lewis has shared an easy tip to get discounts on online Christmas shopping from major retailers such as Amazon and eBay.

The savings expert told viewers of his ITV show Christmas special to try putting their items in their basket and then ‘walking away’.

He explained: “Log in, put the stuff you want in the shopping basket and walk away. And often, within a few days, they will offer you a discount.”

Hundreds of people write in to the show to say they had secured large discounts from eBay, Amazon, Etsy and other online shops.

One customer with New Look was offered a 25 percent discount after she left her items in her basket for a few days.

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Another person said they had bagged several discounts from eBay including a MacBook Pro going down in price from £240 to £180, a saving of £60.

Mr Lewis added: “It doesn’t always work but it’s worth a try.”

He also encouraged people to do a ‘stock take’ of their items around the home, to see if they could find any unwanted items they could sell online.

He also urged shoppers to compare prices before buying especially when purchasing more expensive items.

He pointed to Google Shopping and PriceRunner as good price comparison tools and warned that Amazon constantly vary their prices.

Those who want a particular item may also want to try sites like Love the Sales which highlights when an item is on sale at a discounted price, such as during the Black Friday sales.

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