Online searches for ‘energy saving tips’ increase by 53 percent in 12 months

More people are turning to the internet to find ways to manage their energy bills this winter – with searches for “how to keep house warm” rising by 129 percent in the past year alone. Analysis of online UK data found searches for “energy saving tips” also increased by 53 percent in the same time period.

Among the most popular searches over the past 12 months (since September 2022) are “cling film over windows”, which has seen a 321 percent increase in searches.

And “closing curtains to keep heat in”, saw a 300 percent increase, while “drying clothes on the radiator”, has risen by 181 percent.

Other notable searches included “stopping draughts”, “painting radiators black”, “washing clothes at night”, “using carpet as insulation”, “best time of day to shower”, and “heating room with oven”.

The data was uncovered by EDF, which is supporting households most in need this winter, by boosting its funding to £185m, benefitting 14,000 households.

The energy supplier also polled 2,000 homeowners and renters, to find 37 percent have Googled advice on how to cut down on their energy bills.

Philippe Commaret, managing director for customers at EDF, said: “It’s clear that as the colder weather approaches, people are concerned about keeping their homes warm in a cost-effective way.

“Tackling the energy efficiency of people’s homes is the number one way we can help to reduce bills, and we’re not choosing to stand still or wait.

“We’re spending an extra £103m on the ECO and Great British Insulation Schemes this year, which will deliver savings to thousands of vulnerable customers.

“Choosing to bring forward the funding to this year, means our customers will benefit from lower bills and warmer homes sooner rather than later.

“And to make this as easy as possible, our new Home Efficiency Hub will tell customers what measures will help them save the most cash and carbon, and which grants might be available.”

The study also found 56 percent are more concerned about paying their energy bills this winter, compared to last. As a result, nearly seven in 10 (68 percent) are thinking of more ways to improve their home’s energy efficiency.

And, over the last year, 36 percent of households have invested in eco changes, including installing underfloor insulation (57 percent), and radiator panels (53 percent).

Others have draught-proofed around windows and door frames (49 percent), and placed rugs in rooms with hard flooring (45 percent).

However, cost is a significant barrier, as 19 percent of those who haven’t made any changes said it’s because they are “too expensive to install”.

It also emerged 77 percent believe more needs to be done to support vulnerable customers, and a fifth are concerned about falling into arrears on their energy bills.

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