Best ‘natural’ homemade solution to easily remove mould around the bathtub

Mould expert Jonathan Kirby at Dryzone shared to the “natural solution” to getting rid of mould.

Kirby said: “Several types of mould contain allergens and can sometimes even be toxic.

“[Toxic mould] can cause severe allergic reactions, as well as irritated skin.”

While a natural solution can eradicate mould, if you have pre-existing health conditions, Kirby advised you to hire a professional to clean the mould.

Kirby elaborated: “If you have any underlying conditions that might weaken your respiratory system, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), always engage a professional to clean the mould instead.”

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For everybody else, people are strongly recommended to wear protective gear before tackling mould.

Protective measures include rubber cleaning gloves, goggles and a mask.

Kirby said: “To quickly clean grout and mould in and around the bath, you can use a homemade solution of bicarbonate of soda mixed with water and scrub the affected area with a brush.

“Then simply apply distilled white vinegar to the affected area, ideally using a spray bottle, and then clean away the remains with water.”

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While effective, Kirby cautioned that there is a risk of the mould returning.

Kiry explained that the best way to solve the problem on a long-term basis is to “apply a biocidal cleaner such as Dryzone 100 Mould Sanitiser” to the mould.

This will eliminate the mould spores that you can’t see with the naked eye, but be warned that the chemical could discolour coloured grout.

Four-step process using chemicals

  1. Put on safety equipment
  2. Wash the area with biocidal cleaner (Dryzone Mould Eliminator), and leave to dry overnight
  3. Use biocidal wash (Dryzone 100 Mould Sanitiser)
  4. Touch up surrounding walls that have been affected using mould-resistant paint

Why mould develops in bathrooms?

Mansfield Plumbing explained that the fungus reproduces by releasing tiny, microscopic spores into the air.

These spores only require the slightest amount of moisture and heat to grow, hence why bathrooms are notorious for mould growth.

A humid habitat, which is a mould’s ideal environment, is created every time you shower or take a bath. 

Make sure to use an exhaust fan when you are finished taking a shower, for example, to help remove moisture from the air. 

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